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A'nó:wara ’Turtle’


These words were taken from Mohawk: A Teaching Grammar: Preliminary Version by Nora Deering and Helga Harries-Delisle. Please support their efforts. Please see for information as to how to purchase this and other Kanien'kéha language resources.


Á:ki' teteninónniankhwa. ________Let's dance, then.

Á:nen, kats konró:ri.________Anne, come here. I want to tell you something. 

"Ta’koskó:wa" iakwanatón’khwa.________We call it "Tiger."

á:iase’________fresh fruit

Á:nen ken wa’éhsa’?________Did Ann make it?

Á:there’.________A basket. 

a’én:na’________bow and arrow


a’niá:nawen________gloves, mittens


a’sharekó:wa________bread knife, big knife


A’tohserá:kon.________In a tent.



Ahsen khok nikawistake.________Only three dollars.

áhsen nihá:ti ratiksa’okón:’a ________three boys

áhsen nihá:ti ratinekén’teron________three young men

áhsen nihá:ti ronarase’okón:’a ________three (m) cousins 

áhsen nihá:ti ronatenro’shón:’a________three (m) friends

áhsen nihá:ti ronón:kwe________three men

áhsen nihá:ti rotikstenhokón:’a________three old people

áhsen nihá:ti teró:________three bulls

Áhsen nika’hón:rake. ________Three guns. 

áhsen nika’wí:sake________three drinkng glasses

áhsen nikahahserá:ke________three lamps

áhsen nikanónhsake________three houses

áhsen nikanónhsake________three houses

áhsen nikón:ti é:rhar________three dogs

áhsen nikón:ti konnón:kwe________three women

áhsen nikón:ti kontiiá:tase’________three young girls

áhsen nikón:ti kontiksa’okón:’a ________three girls (children)

áhsen nikón:ti onarase’okón:’a________three (f) cousins

áhsen nikón:ti onatsihokón:’a________three (f) friends

áhsen nikón:ti otikstenokón:’a ________three old women

áhsen niwa’shá:rake________three knives

áhsen niwa’thé:rake________three baskets

Áhsen niwa’thé:rake.________Three baskets.

Ahsen niwáhsen nikahwístake nikanó:ron.________It costs thirty dollars.

áhsen tewen'niáwe'________300

áhsenk nikawístake________only three dollars

Áhsirasé’tsi ne thi.________That’s a new blanket.


ahskó:kon________under the bridge

ahsón’then________at midnight

ahsonthén:ne________in the night


aká:ra’________my story


Akaónha ken akotahkwénnia’ ki?________Are these her clothes?

Akaónha ní’ken ní’e wa’éhsa’, ne satiá:tawi’?________Did she also make your dress?

Akaónha wa’ehní:non’. ________She bought it. 

Aké:ra' ken?________Is it a plate?

akennhá:ke________in the summer

akenónhsa________my house

akenonhsakénha________the house that I had, it was my house

Akhsó'tha thi ne akoksténha. ________My grandmother is that old woman. 

akithsenen’kénha akohsá:tens________my horse that now belongs to somebody else, my dead horse, oh my poor horse


akohsa’ténsne________at/to the stable

akohserá:ke________in winter

akohserakéhka atiá:tawi’________winter coat

akoká:ra’________her (indef) story

akokstén:ha________old woman

akonónhsa________her house

akotenná:tshera’________her (indef) food

akotént________her aunt

ákskere'________lover (girlfriend or boyfriend)

Ákta ken?________Close by? Close to here?

Akta ní:teron.________They (d,m) are staying close by.

akwatennná:tshera’________my food

akwathá’steren________my pants

akwé:kon________everybody, all of you



Anitskwá:ra' ken?________Is it a chair?

Anitskwá:ra ne thi.________It’s a chair.

anitskwahráhne________on the chair

Ánnen iontátiats nahktsí:'a. ________My older sister's name is anne.



anón:warore’________hat, cap

aoká:ra’________her (neut) story

aón:ta’________pail, container

aonatenná:tshera’________their (d,p,f) food


aonkwehtá:kon________squirrel (grey)

aonónhsa________her/its house

aotenná:tshera’________her (neut) food

aotiká:ra’________their (f) story

aotinónhsa________their (d,p,f) house

árekho'________not yet

arihwawa’konnéha________purple, like the Pope

aró:sen________squirrel (red)

asé’tsi________it is new

ashon’thén:ne________at night

atá:wens________you swim




Atekhwá:ra ken ne thi? ________Is that a table?


atekhwahráhne________on the table










Atiá:tawi' ken?________Is it a dress?

atiá:tawi’________shirt, dress, coat

Atiá:tawi’ shní:non________Buy a/the dress (rather than something else)!





atsá:kta________riverside, on the edge of the river, near a body of water


Átskwi, to: nikanonhsake wahsatenhní:non?________Well, how many houses did you sell?

awén:ke________in the water

awentatokenhtí:ke________Sunday, the holy day

awententá’on’ke________Monday, the day after the holy day


Bill ken ronwáiats ne tsatén:ro'.?________Is your friend's name Bill?

Bótsi, bótsi, bótsi.________Pussy, pussy, pussy. 



É:so’ ken tsi í:non? ________Is it very far? 

Eh, kwe. ________Oh, hello.

éhsa'________black ash

éhsa’________ash (black)

ekáhsete'________I'll count

eksá:a________child, girl

én:tie’________at noon


Enhsnekíra ken káwhe?________Will you drink a coffee? 

Enhsnekíra ken onontákeri?________Will you drink a beer? 


Enió:karahwe’ thoién:ke’.________I’ll go there tonight.


eniórhen’ne enió:karahwe________tomorrow night

eniorhén’ne ohron’ké:ne________tomorrow morning

Enkár iotohétston ne ahsen.________Quarter after three.

Enkár iotohétston ne wisk. ________A quarter past five.

Enkár tió:tokte’ ne kaié:ri.________A quarter to four.

enkkwé:ni________I'm able to, I can

Énsewe’.________He’ll/She’ll come along with you.


Énska khok kanón’sote.________There’s only one house standing there.

énska tewen'niáwe'________100


Éntehse’ ken?________Will you come over?

Éntene’.________I’ll come along. 

Éntewe’.________I’ll/We’ll come along with you. 

enthoió’ten’________he’ll work over there

Enthré:ne tiakení:teron.________We (d, ex) are staying at Andrew’s.


entiehké:ne________in the daytime

éntke’ ________I shall come

Ha’ ki’ tetewatskahón:na.________Let’s go and eat then.

Ha’ ki’ tetiatská:hon.________Okay then, let’s eat.

Ha’ ki’ tetiatskahón:na’.________Let’s go and eat then. 

Ha’ ki’ tho niehétene’.________Let’s go there then. 

Ha’ tasatáweia’t tánon’ sátien.________Come in and sit down.

He ki akohsá:tens.________Look at this horse. 

He ki é:rhar.________Look at this dog. 

He ki ka’tshé:nen.________Look at this animal.

He thi takó:s.________Look at this cat.


Hen í:se’ sekhón:nis. ________Yes, you are the one who is the cook. 

Hen iakwatenhní:nons.________Yes, we (p, ex) sell things.

Hen kanaktí:io.________Yes, it’s a nice bed.

Hen kania’taranó:ron.________Yes the cotton is expensive.

Hen kenón:we’s.________Yes, I like it.

Hen oronhwí:io ki’ na:’ tsi katonkária’ks.________Yes, I’m hungry for sure.

Hen rotikhwí:io.________Yes, they have good food.

Hen, áhsen nikawístake nikanó:ron.________Yes, it costs three dollars.

Hen, akaónha akó:wen.________Yes, they are (it is) hers.

Hen, akaónha iakóhson.________Yes she made it.

Hen, akwé: iakwató:rats.________Yes, we (p, excl) all are hunters. 

Hen, i: aki’tsé:nen.________Yes, it’s mine. 

Hen, i: aki’tshé:nen. ________Yes it’s mine (animal).

Hen, i: akwá:wen.________Yes, it's mine.

Hen, í:kehre’ akhní:non.________Yes, I am thinking of buying it.

Hen, í:se sa’tshé:nen’.________Yes, it’s yours.

Hen, í:se’ sá:wen.________Yes, they are (it is) yours.

Hen, iah tewasé’tsi, nek tsi kanonhsí:io ki’.________Sure, it’s not new, but it’s a nice house. 

Hen, iakenihní:nons.________Yes, we (d, ex) buy.

Hen, iakwatá:wens.________Yes, we (p, ex) swim.

Hen, iakwatenhní:nons ni’ ní:’i. ________Yes, we (p, ex) are salesmen, too. 

Hen, iakwatkánthos.________Yes, we (p, ex) see it.

Hen, iakwatké:rons.________Yes, we (p, ex) paddle things. 

Hen, iakwatonkária’ks.________Yes, we (p, ex) are hungry.

Hen, Iakwatshó:kwas. ________Yes, we (d,ex) smoke.

Hen, iaó:te’. ________Yes. It’s windy. 

Hen, Iatiaskwahérhra ni’ ní:’i.________Yes, we (d, ex) are steelworkers, too. 

Hen, iatiatá:wens.________Yes, we (d, ex) swim.

Hen, iatiatenhní:nons ni’ ní:’i. ________Yes, we (d, ex) are salesmen.

Hen, iatiatenhní:nons.________Yes, we (d, ex) sell things.

Hen, iatiatétsen’ts ni’ ní:’i. ________Yes, we (d, ex) are also doctors. 

Hen, iatiatkáhthos.________Yes, we (d, ex) see it.

Hen, iatiatké:rons.________Yes, we (d, ex) paddle things. 

Hen, iatiatonkaria’ks. ________Yes, we (d, ex) are hungry.

Hen, iatiatshó:kwas. ________Yes, I and one other person not including you smoke. 

Hen, iekhón:nis ni’ né:’e. ________Yes, she’s a cook, too. 

Hen, ioiánere’.________Yes, it is nice.

Hen, ion’wé:sen.________Yes, it’s nice.

Hen, ká:nehs ionniá:ton.________Yes, it is made of silk.

Hen, kahnaken’sanó:ron.________Yes, the leather is expensive.

Hen, kaiarasé’tsi________Yes, it’s a new bag.

Hen, kaiarí:io________Yes, it’s a good bag.

Hen, kaiarowá:nen________Yes, it’s a big bag. 

Hen, kaientanó:ron.________Yes, the wood is expensive.

Hen, kanaktowá:nen________Yes, it’s a big bed.

Hen, kanhehsanó:ron.________Yes the silk is expensive.

Hen, kanonsowá:nen, nek tsi iah ki’ tekanonhsasé’tsi.________Yes, it is big, but it’s not new.

Hen, karhá:kon íthre’s.________Yes, he’s in the woods.

Hen, katenhní:nons ni’ ní:’i.________Yes, I am also a salesman.

Hen, katétsen’ts ni’ ní:’i. ________Yes, I am also a doctor.

Hen, ken’ nikairá:’a________Yes, it’s a small bag. 

Hen, ken’ niwahsirá:’a.________Yes, it’s a small blanket.

Hen, ken’nikanaktaktá:’a________Yes, it is a small bed. 

Hen, kennaken’sanó:ron.________Yes, the leather was expensive.

Hen, kenón:we’s nek tsi sótsi ken’ niwá:’a, wáhi?________Yes, I like it, but it’s too small, isn’t it?

Hen, kéntsonase.________Yes, it is a fresh fish.

Hen, kéntsones. ________Yes, it is a long fish. 

Hen, kentsoní:io________Yes, it is a good fish.

Hen, kentsowá:nen.________Yes, it is a big fish.

Hen, kwah í:kehre’ Kaná:tso ón’te wá:’en.________Yes, I think she’s going to Ottawa.

Hen, kwah í:kehre’ Kó:rne ón’te wahón:ne’.________Yes, I think they (p,m) are going to Paul’s. 

Hen, kwah í:kehre’ rató:rats.________Yes, I think he’s a hunter.

Hen, kwah i:kéhre’ ratonkária’ks.________Yes, I think he’s hungry.

Hen, kwah í:kehre’ wa’thatskahón:ne’ ón’te ni’ né’e.________Yes, I think he’s also going to eat.

Hen, ne ki í:kehre’.________Yes, I think so.

Hen, nek tsi Akwesásne thní:teron.________Yes, but they (d,m) are staying in St. Regis.

Hen, nek tsi sótsi ken’ niwá:’a ne sathá’steren. ________Yes, but your pants are too small.

Hen, nek tsi sótsi ki iókste’.________Yes, but it’s too heavy.

Hen, Ohkwá:ri konwáiats.________Yes, its (neut) name is Bear.

Hen, oronhí:io ki’ na:’ tsi iakwatonkária’ks.________Yes, we (p, ex) are hungry for sure.

Hen, oronhwí:io ki’ na:’ tsi iatiatonkária’ks. ________Yes, we (d,ex) are hungry for sure. 

Hen, oronhwí:io ki’ ná:’a tsi kanó:ron.________Yes, that’s expensive for sure.

Hen, oronhwí:io ki’ ná:’a. ________Yes, that’s for sure.

Hen, raónha raó:wen.________Yes, they are (it is) his.

Hen, raónha róhson.________Yes, he made it.

Hen, rátie’s.________Yes, he’s flying around.

Hen, riienté:ri.________Yes, I know him. 

Hen, ronónha rotíhson. ________Yes, they (m) made it. 

Hen, sha’té:kon nikawístake nikanó:ron. ________Yes, it costs eight dollars.

Hen, ska’nión’sha’ tánon’ okwáho’ iató:rats.________Yes, they (d,m) hunt moose and wolves.

Hen, skén:nen.________Yes, well. 

Hen, skennenkó:wa.________Yes, he's well.

Hen, skennenkó:wa.________Yes, she's well.

Hen, tahsié:rite’. Tó:ske tsi kanonhsí:io’. ________Yes, you’re right. It’s really nice. 

Hen, tióhton nikawístake nikanó:ron.________Yes, it costs nine dollars. 

Hen, tó:ske’.________Yes, it’s true.

Hen, wahatatekén:shen.________Yes, I have brothers and sisters.

Hen, wahsí:res. ________Yes, it’s a long blanket.

Hen, wahsirasé’tsi.________Yes, it’s a new blanket.

Hen, wahsirí:io.________Yes, it’s a nice blanket.

Hen, wahsirowá:nen________Yes, it’s a big blanket.

Hen, wahsohkwí:io.________Yes, it’s a nice color.

Hen, wakhtsishen.________Yes, I have older brothers and sisters.

Hen, wanitskwaratserowá:nen.________Yes, it’s a big chair.

Hen, watia’tawitsherasé’tsi________Yes, it’s a new shirt.

Hen, watia’tawitsherí:io________Yes, it’s a nice shirt.

Hen, watoken’asé’tsi.________Yes, it is a new axe. 

Hen, watoken’í:io. ________Yes, it is a good axe. 

Hen, watoken’serowá:nen.________Yes, it is a big axe. 

Hen, wenhniserí:io. ________Yes, it's a nice day.


Hen. Karhákta.________Yes. Near the forest.

Hen. Ken’ niwatia’tawitsherésha.________Yes. It’s a short shirt. 

Hen. Ohahákta.________Yes. Near the road. 

Hen. Onontákta.________Yes. Near the hill. 

Hen. Sáhskere ken thi iakón:kwe?________Is that woman your girlfriend?

Hen. Saterihwaiénstha ken?________Yes. Are you a student?

Hen. Watia’tawí:tsheres, wáhi.________Yes. It’s a long  shirt, huh.

Hen. Watia’tawitsherowá:nen, wáhi. ________Yes. It’s a big shirt, huh.

hétken ken________Is he ugly?

hní:nons________to buy

I: akwatiá:tawi’. ________It’s my dress.

i: aonhá’a tekkowá:nen________I'm the biggest

I: ken akwathá’steren’ ki?________Are these my pants?

I: ken kekhón:nis?________Am I the one who is the cook?

I: ó:ni iakwatonkária’ks.________We (p, ex) are hungry, too.

I: ó:ni iatiatonkária’ks.________We (d,ex) are hungry, too.

I: ó:ni katonkária’ks.________I’m hungry, too.

I: ó:ni watkatskahón:ne’.________I’m also going to eat. 

I: ó:ni. ________Me too. 

I: ó:ni’ kanehsatá:ke nitewaké:non.________I’m from Oka, too.

I: ó:ni’ kenón:we’s, nek tsi sótsi ki’iokste’. ________I like it too, but it's too heavy. 

I: ó:ni’.________Me too.

I: sénha kowá:nen tsi ní:iot ne Só:se.________I’m bigger than Joe.

I: wa’khní:non’ ki: áhta.________I bought these shoes.

I: wa’khní:non’.________I bought it.

Í:’i.________I did.


í:iens________it is long

í:ken________indeed, me?

Í:ken? Katenhní:nons ní:i.________Me? I'm a salesman. 


Í:non ken?________Is it far?

Í:non tiakwén:teron.________We (p, ex) are staying far away.


Í:se ken ki: sanitskwá:ra?________Is this your chair?

Í:se ken satórats?________Are you the hunter?

í:se khok________you alone

í:se óni________you too

Í:se’ ken sá:kwire’ thi wáhta? ________Is that your maple tree? (You quest. your-tree this maple?)

Í:se’ ken sa’tshé:nen ki?________Is that your animal?

Í:se’ ken sa’tshé:nen nakohsá:tens?________Is it your horse?

Í:se’ ken sa’tshé:nen ne takó:s?________Is it your cat?

Í:se’ ken sa’tshé:nen thi é:rhar?________Is that your dog? (You quest. your-animal that dog?)

Í:se’ ken sa’tshé:nen thi takó:s owí:ra’? ________Is that your kitten?

Í:se’ ken sa’tshé:nen?________Is it your animal?

Í:se’ ken sa’wá:ron ki kwéskwes o’wá:ron? ________Is this your pork? (You quest. your-meat this pig meat?)

Í:se’ ken sáhi ki sewahió:wane’?________Is that your apple? (You quest. your fruit this apple?)

Í:se’ ken saiá:tawi’?________Is it your dress?

Í:se’ ken saterihwaiénsthat?________Are you a student?

Í:se’ ken satshé:nen?________Is it yours?

í:tien's ________she is over there.


Iá:ia'k niwa’thé:rake. ________Six baskets. 

Ia’kheia’ténhhawe’ ne iakón:kwe.________I carried the woman.

Ia’níha thi, wáhi?________That’s your father, isn’t it?

ia’satáweia’t________go in

ia’saté:ser________go crawl over

ia’sató:rat________go and hunt there

ia’sató:rat!________You hunt over there. (You came from here.)

ia’tenharáhtate’________he’ll start over here and he’ll run away from the speaker

ia’tenhatská:hon________he’ll go there and eat

ia’teshakoká:nere’________he is looking at her

ia’tsá:ken’n________go on out

iah________no, not

Iah í:i té:ken. ________It's not me.

Iah í:kehre’ ken’ tewá:’a.________I don’t think it’s too small.

Iah í:non té:ken. Ontia’tshíhne tkí:teron.________Not far from here. I’m staying at a friend’s (f).

Iah í:se te.________It's not you. 

Iah iah téhaksa'a.________No, he is not a boy.

Iah iah, teha’natarón:ni.________No, he’s not a baker.

Iah iah, tehahson’karaké:tas.________He’s not a carpenter. 

Iah iah, tesewatenhní:nons. ________No, they are not salesmen. 

Iah ken sheién:'a ne ki?________Isn't that your daughter?

iah ken’ tekanonhsá:’a________it is not a small house

iah ken’ tekanonhsésha________it is not a short house             

Iah ki’ ná:’a.________I don’t think so.

Iah ki’ ná:’a. ________No, I guess not. 

Iah ki’ ná’a.________I don’t think so.

Iah ki’ nakaónha.________Not her, though.

Iah ki’ ne raónha.________Not him, though.

Iah ki’ ne ronónha.________Not them, though.

Iah ki’ ní’i.________Not me, though.

Iah ki’ sotsi.________Not really.

Iah ne tehohní:non.________He didn’t buy it.

Iah ne teiakohní:non.________She didn’t buy it.

Iah ne tewakhní:non ne kahná:ta. ________I didn’t buy the purse. 

Iah ne tewakhní:non.________I didn’t buy it.

iah ní:i.________not me

iah ní:se________not you

Iah ni’ní’i.________Me neither.

Iah só:tsi.________Not much.

iah tehatikhón:nis________they are not cooks

Iah tehiienté:ri.________I don't know him.

iah tehrentó:re’________he’s not difficult

iah tehrentórha________he’s not lazy

iah tehronhe:wa’s________he doesn’t sweep

iah tehronkwehtí:io________he’s not good looking

iah tekanonhsí:io________it is not a nice house

Iah teské:iahre.________I don't remember.

iah tetkaié:ri________No, that's wrong. 

Iah tewakaterién:tare’.________I don't know.

Iah tewake’nikonhraién:ta’s.________I don’t understand. 

Iah tewaketerién:tare'________I don't know (polite)

Iah tewakhní:non’.________I didn’t buy it. 

Iah,  khe'kén:'a ne akóhskere. ________No, he's my younger sister's boyfriend.

Iah, Á:nen iontátiats. ________No, her name is Anne.

Iah, á:there’ ne thi.________No, that’s a basket.

Iah, akaónha ako’tshé:nen’.________No, it’s hers.

Iah, ákta tsi nón: thénteron ne Tá:wit.________No, it’s next to the place where David lives.

Iah, Atón:wa taháhawe’.________No, Tom brought it.

Iah, i: wá:ksa’.________No, I made it.

Iah, iah aké:ra' te.________No, it's not a plate.

Iah, iah anitskwá:ra' te. ________No, it's not a chair.

Iah, iah atiá:tawi' te. ________No, it's not a dress.

Iah, iah Bill tehonwá:iats. ________No, his name isn't Bill.

Iah, iah í:' te. ________No I'm not the one./No, it's not me.

Iah, iah í:' tékatorats.________No, I'm not the hunter./No it's not me who is the hunter.

Iah, iah í:kehre’ tekatonkária’ks. ________No, I don't think I'm hungry.  

Iah, iah kahónre' te. ________No, it's not a gun.

Iah, iah kanátka te.________No, it is not a bed.

Iah, iah kéntson te.________No, it is not a fish.

Iah, iah Ko:r teióntiats.________No, my name isn't Paul.

Iah, iah Montour tehonwatí:iats. ________No, their name isn't Montour. 

Iah, iah ne ne raónha téhatorats. ________No, he's not a hunter.

Iah, iah ne ne raónha.________No, he's not./No, not him. 

Iah, iah ne tekheién:'a . Khekén:'a. Ionterihwaiénstha. ________No, she's not my daughter. She's my younger sister. She's a student.

Iah, iah ní:i tekató:rats.________No, I'm not a hunter.

Iah, iah ní:i. ________No, not me. 

Iah, iah onónha teiotíhson.________No, they (f) didn’t make it.

Iah, iah ontiatén:ro te. ________No, that's not my friend.

Iah, iah otsísto te. ________No, it´s not a star.

Iah, iah otsitsa' te.________No, it's not a flower.

Iah, iah raksá'a té:ken. ________No, that's not the boy.

iah, iah roksténha te. ________No, that's not the old man.

Iah, iah tehiién:'a.________No, he's not my son. 

Iah, iah tehoksténha. ________No, he is not an old man.

Iah, iah tehontétsen’ts.________No, they (p,m) are not doctors.

Iah, iah teiakhsó'tha ne iakónkwe. Ontiátsi ne akokstén:ha. ________No, that woman is not my grandmother. That old woman is my friend.

Iah, iah teiontiatén:ro.________No, he's not my friend.

Iah, iah teiontiatén:ro. ________No, he is not my friend.

Iah, iah teiontiátsi. ________No, she's not my friend.

Iah, iah tekanonhsá:’a.________No, it is not a small house.

Iah, iah tekanonhsasé’tsi.________No, it’s not a new house.

Iah, iah tekanonhsésha.________No, it is not a short house.

Iah, iah tekanonhsí:io.________No, it’s not a nice house.

Iah, iah tekanonhsowá:nen. ________No, it is not a big house.

Iah, iah tekaterihwaiénstha. Kó:r khok raterihwaiénstha. ________No, I'm not a student. Only Paul goes to school.

Iah, iah tekaterihwaiénstha. Ktsenháiens.________No. I'm not a student. I'm a councillor

Iah, iah tekaterihwaiénstha. Rikhén:'a khok raterihwaiénstha.________No, I'm not a student. Only my younger brother goes to school.

Iah, iah tekatshá:nis. ________No, I’m not afraid.

Iah, iah tekén:en ne sewatén:ro. Wárihne thón:ne. ________No, the group of friends aren't here. They're at Mary's. 

Iah, iah tekheién:'a. ________No, she's not my daughter. 

Iah, iah tethatí:teron. ________No, they are not at home.

Iah, iah tethatíteron. Kanátakon thón:ne's.________No, they are not at home. They are in town.

Iah, iah tethén:teron________No, he is not at home.

Iah, iah tetié:teron ne istén:'a.________No, my mother is not at home.

Iah, iah tetié:teron. ________No, she is not at home.

Iah, iah tewakenáktote'. Ónen. ________No, I don't have time. Goodbye.

Iah, iah Wári teiontátiats. ________No, her name isn't Mary.

Iah, iaterihwaiénstha. ________No, they (d,m) are students.

Iah, ioráhkote.________No, it’s sunny.

Iah, ka’náhkon ne thi.________No, that’s a barrel.

Iah, Kahnawá:ke tkí:teron.________No, I’m staying in Coughnewaga.

Iah, kaié:ri nikawístake nikanó:ron.________No, it costs four dollars. 

Iah, ken’ nikanonhsá:’a. ________No, it’s a small house.

Iah, ken’ nikanonhsésha.________No, it’s a short house.

Iah, ken’ niwá:’a.________No, it’s small.

Iah, nek tsi kanonhsasé’tsi.________No, but it is a new house.

Iah, nek tsi kanonhsí:iánere.________No, but it is a good house. 

Iah, nek tsi kanonhsí:iens.________No, but it is a long house.

Iah, nek tsí kanonhsí:io.________No, but it is a nice house.

Iah, nek tsi kenón:we’s ki’ sai’a:kaia’. ________No, but I like your blouse. 

Iah, nektsi katonkária’ks kí.________No, but I’m hungry.

Iah, niáwen. ________No, thanks.

Iah, nikhón:nis.________No, they (d,m) are cooks.

Iah, niríhton.________No, they (d,m) are policemen.

Iah, ó:’nas ionniá:ton. ________No, it’s made of feathers.

Iah, ó:iente’ ionniá:ton.________No, it is made of wood.

Iah, ohká:ra’ ionniá:ton. ________No, it’s made of bark. 

Iah, ohnakén’sa ionniá:ton.________No, it’s made of leather.

Iah, ohwistanó:ron ionniá:ton.________No, it’s made of gold.

Iah, okénha’ ionniá:ton.________No, it’s made of felt.

Iah, onia’trá:’a ionniá:ton. ________No, it’s made of cotton. 

Iah, onia’trá:’a ionniá:ton. ________No, it’s made of cotton. 

Iah, oniatará’a ionniá:ton.________No, it’s made of cotton.

Iah, onontohará:ke tsi teiontskahón’khwa. ________No, in the restaurant on the hill. 

Iah, raónha rao’tshé:nen’.________No, it’s his.

Iah, ratenhní:nons. Ó:ia’ tkaná:taien thoió’te’.________No, he’s a salesman. He works in another town. 

Iah, só:tsi.________No, not too well.

Iah, sótsi í:kehre’ niwá:’a.________No, I think it's too small.

Iah, sótsi ken’ niwá:’a.________No, it’s too small.

Iah, sótsi kowá:nen.________No, it’s too big

Iah, tié:teron non'né:'e. Iontewaiénstha'.________No, she's at home. She's studying. 

Iah, W’a:ri tánon Ákat wa’keníhsa’. ________No, Mary and Ida made it.

Iah, Wíshe tánon Tier wahíhsa’.________No, Michael and Peter made it.

Iah. Ékskere tieterón. Saterihwaiénstha ken?________No. My lover is at home. Are you a student?

Iah. Ok ní:se'. ________No. Are you?

Iah. Tierkó:wa ronwáiats. ________No, his name is Big Peter. 

Iahahní:non________He went there to buy it.

iaható:rate’________he went there to hunt

iá'ia'k tewen'niáwe.________600

iaké:saks________she looks for

iakentórha________she is lazy

Iakoió’te’, wahi?________They (p, ex) are working, right?

iakó'kwats________she digs


iakón:nis________she makes it

iakonkwehserí:io________she’s a good person

iakonkwehtí:io________she is a good-looking woman. 

Iakotkén:se ní’ken ní:se’?________is she a fortune teller, too?

Iakweteriwaiénstha. Tánon’ iakwaién’thos________We are students. And we farm.

Ianerátie ken?________Is he well?

Ianerátie’.________It’s going well.

iánere wáhi________oh, good

Iánere, wáhi?________That’s good, isn’t it?

ianonhá:'a________your uncle

Iaó:te’.________It’s windy.

Iatenhní:nons ken? ________Are they (d,m) salesmen?

Iatiaterihwaiíenstha.________We (d, ex) are students. 

iató:rats________they (d,m) hunt

Iató:rats ken ne sewatén:ro’?________Are your two friends hunters?

ié:rate’________he is standing over there with his back to the speaker

ié:tenhre'________she feels pity

iehaien’thos________he is there farming

Iehatewaaiénstha________He is  there studying. (He came from here).

Iehatiién’thos.________They plant over there. (They came from here.)


iehoio’te’________he is working over there (he came from here)

iehoió’ten________let him go there and work

iehoio’tén:’en________he had gone there and he worked there and he is back

iehoio’tens________he works over there (he came from here)

iehón:tsi________she/one is black

iehontó:rats________they hunt away from here

ieiá:tase________young girl

ieiakwató:rats________we (p, ex) hunt over there

Iekhón:nis ní:ken ní:’i?________Is she a cook, too?

iekowá:nen________she is big

ieksa’tí:io________she is a nice girl, a good woman

ién:ke’________I shall go

ienatá:res________she makes visits

ienerón:khwa________she loves someone

ienhoió’ten’________he’ll go there and he’ll work

Íenhse’ ken?________Will you go over?

Ienón:we’s ni’ ne:’ nistén’a.________My mother likes it, too. 


iéroks________she chops

Ietké:rons ní:ken ni’ né:’e?________Is she a peddler, too? 


Io. Saterihwaiénstha ken?________OK. Are you a student?

Io’kerén:’en.________It’s snowing.

Io’kerén’en ken?________Is it snowing?

io’serehtakaión’on________it is an old car

io’sharakaión’on________it is an old knife

io’táksen________it is bad

Io’taríhen.________It’s warm, hot.

iohétstha________she/it (neut) outdoes

iohón:rote’________kettle (water)

ioiánere________it is good

Ioiánere’. ________It’s nice. 

iokaión’on________it is old

Iokennó:ron.________It’s raining.

ión:nis________she/it (neut) makes

Ionhá:ten' wahi'.________That's too bad.

ionón:tes________it is a high mountain

iononhsakaión’on________it is an old house

ionsasataweia’t________go in again

Iontenhní:nons ken?________Is she a salesperson? 


Ionterihwaiénstha ken?________Is she a student?

iontétsen'ts________she's a doctor

iontó:rats________she hunts

Ioráhkote.________It’s sunny.

Ioronió:ron.________It’s cloudy.

iosheón:wes________it is a deep hole

Iothó:re’________It’s cold.

Iothó:re’ ken nátste?________Is it cold outside?

Iothó:re’.________It’s cold. 

iotiwísto ________snowbirds

iotohétston nén:tie’________in the afternoon

Iotshataronniónties.________It’s partially cloudy.

Iowehrenháties.________It’s thundering.

Iowisóntion.________It’s hailing.


Ísi' íthrate'. Wíshe ronwáiats. ________He is standing over there. His name is Michael.

Ísi’ ken nenkwá:?________Over there on the other side?

Ísi’ ken non ne oié:ri nikawístake?________More than ten dollars?

Ísi’ tkontí:teron. ________They (p,f) are staying over there.


Istén:’a wa’éhsa’.________My mother made it.

Istennéha________at/to my mother’s 

Istennéha.________At my mother’s.

it is short________ken’ niiénsha

íthrate’________he is standing over there facing the speaker

íthre's________he is over there

ítshas________you make, you create

ítshons________you hate

Ka'  ________where  

Ka' ne  thién:'a?________Where is your son?

Ka' ne akoksténha?________where is the old woman?

Ka' ne ia'níha?________Where is your father?

Ka' ne rónkwe?________Where is the man?

Ka' ne sewatén:ro?________Where are you all male friends?

Ka' ne sewatén:ro'? Kén'en ken rón:ne's?________Where are the group of friends? Are they here?

Ka' ne sheién:'a?________Where is your daughter?

Ka ne sheien'okón:'a? Thatíteron ken?________Where are your children? Are they at home?

Ka ne tsaten:ro?________Where is your male friend?

Ka' ne tsátshi?________Where is your female friend?

Ka' ní:se' ne sáhskere?________Where is your boyfriend?

Ka' nikáien? ________Which one?

Ka' nontáhse'?________Where did you come from?

Ka wá:ne’?________Where are they (d,m) going?


ká:khare________skirt, slip

Ká:nehs ken ionniá:ton? ________Is it made of silk?

ká:nhehs________ribbon, silk


Ká:nhes ken ionniá:ton?________Is it made of silk?

ká:ris________stockings, socks

ká:sere’________car, vehicle

ká:tens________it is thick


ká:ts________come here

Ka´nón tisaió'te?________Where do you work?

Ka’ nithawé:non?________Where is he from?

Ka’ nithoné:non?________Where are they (p, m) from?

Ka’ nitiakawé:non?________Where is she from? 

Ka’ nitioné:non? ________Where are they (p, f) from? 

Ka’ nitisé:non?________Where are you from?

Ka’ nitisené:non?________Where are you two from?

Ka’ nitisewé:non?________Where are you all from?

Ka’ táhsawe’ ki atekhwá:ra’?________Where did you get this table?

Ka’ wá:’en’ thi eksá:’a?________Where is that girl going?

Ka’ wá:’en’?________Where’s she going?

Ka’ wá:kene’?________Where are they (d,f) going? 

Ka’ wá:ne?________Where are they (d,m) going?

Ka’ wá:re’ ne tsatén:ro’?________Where is your (female) friend going?

Ka’ wá:re’ thi rón:kwe?________Where is that guy going?

Ka’ wá:re’?________Where is he going?

Ka’ wáhse’?________Where are you going?

Ka’ wáione’?________Where is she going?

Ka’ wáre’?________Where is he going?

Ka’ wáronte’?________Where are they (p,m) going? 

Ka’ wásewe’?________Where are you all going?

Ka’ wátse’?________Where are you two going?

Ka’ wésene’?________Where are you two going?

Ka’ wésewe’?________Where are you all going?

ka’náhkon’________barrel, drum

Ka’nón iató:rathes?________Where do they (d,m) go to hunt?

Ka’nón tashní:non?________Where did you buy it?

Ka’nón thní:teron?________Where are they d,m) staying?

Ka’nón tisaió’te’?________Where do you work? 

Ka’nón tsén’thos? ________Where do you plant? 

Ka’nón tsi ní:wa’?________Whereabouts?

Ka’nón wa’nón tehsí:teron?________Where are you staying now?

Ka’nón: taháhawe’?________Where did he get it?

Ka’nón: táhshawe’ ki?________Where did you get this?

Ka’nón: táhshawe’?________Where did you get it from?

Ka’nón: táhswawe’ ki áhta?________Where did you get these shoes?

Ka’nón: taiéhawe’?________Where did she get it? 

Ka’nón: wa’tehsatskahón:ne?________Where are you going to eat?

Ka’nón: wa’tiiakwatskahón:ne’? ________Where are we (p, ex) going to eat? 

Ka’nón: wa’tiionatskahón:ne’?________Where’s she going to eat?

Ka’nón: wa’tikatskahón:ne’? ________Where am I going to eat?

Ka’nón: wa’tiratskahón:ne’?________Where’s he going to eat?

Ka’nón: wa’tisewatskahón:ne’?________Where are you all going to eat?

Ka’nón: wa’titsatskahón:ne’?________Where are you two going to eat?

Ka’nón:we nón:wa’ tehsí:teron?________Where are you staying now?

Ka’nón:we nón:wa’ thati:teron?________Where are they (p,m) staying now?

Ka’nón:we nón:wa’ tisení:teron?________Where are you two staying now?

Ka’nón:we nón:wa’ tisewén:teron?________Where are you all staying now?

Ka’nón:we nón:wa’ tkontí:teron?________Where are they (p,f) staying now?

Ka’nón:we nón:wa’ wahón:ne’?________Where are they (p, m and f) going now?

ka’serehtá:ke________on/to the vehicle

ka’serehtáksen________it is a bad car

ka’serehtasé’tsi________it is a new car

ka’seréhtes________it is a long car

ka’serehtí:io________it is a good car

ka’serehtowá:nen________it is a big car

ka’takén:ra’________soft maple


ka’tshé:nen________animals (generic)

kahehtákta________near the garden

kahetá:ke________at/to the garden/field


kahétken________she is ugly


káhi________fruit (class)

kahiatón’sera’________paper, book

kahiatonhserá:kon________in the book


kahiatonseró:kon________under the book/paper

kahiónhakon________in the creek


kahná:wakon________in the rapids

kahna’tahkénha________it was a purse, oh the poor purse

Kahnaken’sanó:ron ken?________Is the leather expensive?

Kahnaken’sanó:ron.________The leather is expensive.

Kahnawá:ke ken nitioné:non?________Are they (d,f) from Caughnawaga?

kahnawákta________near the swamp

kahnawákta________by the running water

kahní:nons________she/it buys

kahón:tsi________she/it is black

kahoniowá:nen________it is a big boat


Kahónre' ken?________Is it a gun?

kahonre’kó:wa________cannon, big gun

kahonwasé’tsi________it is a new boat

kahwehno’tserákta________near the island


Kahwistará:ken ken ionniá:ton? ________Is it made of silver?

kaia’tákeras________goat (its body smells)

kaia’tasnó:re’________it (animate) is fast



kaié:ri ní:kon ó:wise’________four (of) drinking glasses

Kaié:ri nika’hón:rake.________Four guns. 

kaié:ri nika’wí:sake________four drinking glasses

kaié:ri nikaná:tsake________four pots

kaié:ri nikanáktake.________Four beds.

kaié:ri nikanáktate________four beds

kaié:ri niwaén:nake________four bows and arrows

Kaié:ri niwáhsen nikahwístake nikanó:ron.________It costs fourty dollars.

kaié:ri niwahsí:rake________four blankets

kaié:ri tewen'niáwe'________400

kaié:rik nikawístake________only four dollars

Kaientanó:ron ken?________Is the wood expensive?

kaión:ni’________wampum belt

kakwité:ne________in the spring

kaná:ta'________village, town

kaná:takon________in, to town

kaná:takon ié:re’s________he is in town (he came from here)

Kaná:takon iehréhtha.________He goes to town. 

kaná:takon íthre’s________he is in town

Kaná:takon tá’khawe’.________I got it in town. 

Kaná:takon takhní:non.________I bought it in town.

Kaná:takon thréhtha.________He comes here to town. 

Kaná:takon, kanatakwe’ni’o:ke. ________In town, on the main road.

kaná:takon.________from the town or in the town.

kaná:tase________new town, settlement

Kaná:tso________from Ottawa

kaná:tson’________kettle, pot, pail

kaná:wakon________in the swamp

kana’tarokhón:we________corn bread, the real bread

Kana’tarón:nis ne Wá:ri tánon’ kakhón:nis ne Terés. ________Mary is (neut) a baker and Theresa is (neut) a cook.

Kanákta ken?________Is it a bed?

Kanákta’.________A bed.

kanaktó:kon________under the bed

kanaskwáksen________it is a bad animal

kanataká:ion________old village

Kanátakon i:tien's nistén:'a. ________My mother is in town.

Kanátakon í:tien's.________She is in town.

Kanátakon íthre's. ________He is in town.

Kanátakon ní:ken ne:' í:tien's ne sheién:'a? ________Is your daughter also in town?

Kanátakon thón:ne's.________They are in town.

Kanátakon tiotiió’te’.________They (d,f) work in town.

Kanátakon tkontí:teron.________They (p,f) are staying in town.

Kanatákta.________Near the town.

Kanáteo thén:teron.________Our home is in Ottawa.

Kanehsatá:ke nitionkené:non.________We (d, ex) are from Oka.

Kanehsatá:ke.________From Oka.

kanekwen’tarahón:tsi________dark red

kanekwen’tarará:ken________light red



kanenna’ké:ne________in the fall

káneron________ash (white) 

Kanhawá:ke ken ni’thoné:non?________Are they (d,m) from Caughnawaga?

Kanhehsanó:ron ken?________Is the silk expensive?


kaniá:tare’________there is a body of water

Kania’taranó:ron ken?________Is the cotton expensive?

Kania’taranó:ron ken?________Is the cotton expensive?

kaniatará:ke________on/to a body of water

kaniatara'kó:wa________ocean, big water

Kaniatarákta tkanónhsote kanonhsasé’tsi.________The new house next to the river.

Kaniatarákta.________Near the river. 

kanó:ron________it is expensive

Kanó:ron ken ki: ká:iare’?________Is that bag expensive?

Kanó:ron ken?________Is it expensive?

Kanó:ron, ken:?________That’s expensive, isn’t it?


Ka'nón: tsi ní:wa'?________Whereabouts?

Kanón:no nitionkené:non.________We (d, ex) are from New York City.

Kanón:no nitionkwé:non.________We (p, ex) are from New York City. 

kanón:to'________wooden cabinet

kanón:wakon________at the bottom of the water



kanonhsahón:tsi________the house is black

kanonhsakó:wa________parliament, big house

kanonhsákta________near the house

kanonhsará:ken________the house is white

Kanonhsasé’tsi ken?________Is it a new house?

Kanonhsasé’tsi wáhi’.________It sure is a new house.

Kanonhsasé’tsi wáhi’.________it is a new house


kanonhsí:io________it is a nice house

Kanonhsí:io ken?________Is it a nice house?

Kanonhsí:io wáhi’.________It sure is a nice house. 

kanonhsí:ios________nice houses

Kanonhsowá:nen wáhi’.________It sure is a big house.


karáken________it is white


karhá:kon________in the woods

karhakón:ha________hawk (older)

karhakón:shon________all over the forest


karhónk________wild goose

karí:wes________long time

karí:wes________it is a long affair

karíhton’________black oak

karíhton’________it is cooked

karisé:________wool, flannel

karístatsi’________metal, iron, stove

Karistátsi’ watió’te.________I’m a steelworker.

karón:ta’________tree trunk, log

karon’iahón:tsi________dark blue

karon’iará:ken________light blue

karónhia'ke________in the sky

kásene________you two, come here

kásewe________you all, come here

Katerihwaiénstha ken?________Am I a student?

Katétsen'ts.________I'm a doctor.

Kátke nihohní:non?________When did he buy it?

Kátke niiakohní:non?________When did she buy it?

Kátke nisahní:non ki áhta?________When did you buy these shoes?

Kátke nisahní:non?________When did you buy it?

Kátke nisahní:non?________When did you buy it? 

kató:rats________I am a hunter


káton________or else

Katonkária’ka ni’ ní:’i.________I’m hungry too. 

Katonkaria’ks ni ní’i.________I’m hungry too.

Kats takróri nahóten iesá:iats. ________Come here and tell me your name. 


katsho’kwas________I smoke

katsiskontároks or karontakároks________woodpecker


kawehnó:ke'________at/to/in the island

Kawehnó:ke tsi non tkanónhsote’.________On the island where the house is.


kawennáksen________it is a bad word

ken nontá:se ________come here

ken nontásene________you two come here

ken nontásewe________you all come here 

Ken' sátien.________Sit over there.


kén:teron________she/it stays

kén:teron’________she/it (neut) stays


Kén:to ken rón:ne's?________Are they here?

Ken?________Really? (Yes?)

Ken?________Is that so?


Ken? Ka’nón: tsi ní:wa’?________Really? Whereabouts?

Ken’ í:ie’ns.________She is here.

ken’ í:re’s________he is here

Ken’ ken kén:teron?________Is it (neut) staying here?

Ken’ ken kén:teron? ________Is it (indef.) staying here?

Ken’ ken nenkwá:?________Over here on this side?

Ken’ ken nikanonhsá:’a?________Is it a small house?

Ken’ ken nikanonhsésha?________Is it a short house?

ken’ nikahonrá:’a________it is a small gun

ken’ nikahonrésha________it is a short gun

ken’ nikahonwá:’a________it is a small boat

ken’ nikahonwésha________it is a short boat

ken’ nikanonhsá:’a________it is a small house

ken’ niwa’shará:’a________it is a small knife

ken’ niwa’sharésha________it is a short knife

ken’ niwatia’tawitserésha________it is a short dress

Kén’en kaná:takon. ________Here in town. 

ken’niwá:’a________it is small

kenákere'________I live, I reside

kenatá:res________I make visits

kenéhre’________they (d,f) want it


kenentórha’________they (d,f) are lazy

kení:teron________they (d,f) live

kení:teron________they (d,f) are at home

kenihní:nons________they (d,f) buy

Kenikhón:nis.________They (d,f) are cooks.

Kenón:we’s ki’ ní’i ne satiá:tawi’________I like your dress, though.

Kenón:we’s ni’ ní’i.________I like it, too.

Kenón:wes ki’ ní’i.________I like it though.

kentórha________I am lazy



Kéntson ken?________Is it a fish?

kéroks________I chop

kétas________I put in

Khé:ken enskahtén:ti. ________I’ll go home instead.

Khé:re’ kati ken.________I suppose so (grudging admission).

Khé:re’ ken.________I suppose so.

Kheién:'a ne ki. ________This is my daughter. 

Khe'kén:'a ne ki. ________That's my younger sister.

kheken’kéha________at/to my younger sister’s

khenorónhkhwa________I love her

Khére káti’ ken. ________I guess so.

khní:nons________I buy


khotkó:wa________overcoat, big coat



kí:ken________this one

Ki’ ná:’a.________Could be.


kítkit rá:tsin________rooster

kitkítne________at/to the chicken coop

Ko:r ken iesáiats?________Is your name Paul?

Kó:r ronwa:iats.________His name is Paul. 

Kó:r ronwáiats ne rikén:'a. ________My younger brother's name is Paul.

Kó:rne________at/to Paul’s

kón:nehre________they (p,f) want to

konneroróhkhwa________I love you

konnón:kwe________3 or more women.

konnón:nis________they (p, f) make it

Konterihwaiénstha ken thi?________Are they (p, f) students?

Konterihwaiénstha ón’te’.________They (p,f) must be students.

Kontiién’thos ken?________Are they (p,f) farming? 

Kontikhón:nis.________They p, f) are cooks.

kontikowá:nen________they (p,m) are big

kontiska'okón:'a________children (general) female

kontó:rats________they (p,m) hunt

konyéna________I am your father

kowá:nen________it is big

kowá´nen________I am big

ktsenháiens________I am a councillor

kwa iah káneka tetisaierí:ton________you didn’t get anything right

kwa ki’ ken nikón:ti________quite a number of them (f)

Kwa’shón:te.________Last night. 

kwa’són:te’________last night

kwah í:kehre'________I think

Kwah í:kehre’ Kahnawá:ke ón’te’. ________From Caughnawaga, I think. 

Kwah í:kehre’ karíhton ón’te.________I think he’s a policeman.

Kwah í:kehre’ tewáhsen ón’te’ nikawístake nikanó:ron.________I think it costs twenty dollars.

Kwah í:kehre’ tsi iakenheion’taientákhwa ón’te wá:’en’.________I think she’s going to the hospital.

Kwah í:kehre’ tsi tionkwanónhsote ón’te wá:re’.________I think he’s going to our house.

Kwah í:kehre’ wathonstkahón:ne’ ón’te.________I think they (p, m and f) are going to eat.

Kwah í:kehre’ wattiatskahón:ne’, ón’te’.________I think they (d,f) are going to eat.

kwah ki’ ken nihá:ti________quite a number of them (m)

kwareró:ha’________barn owl

Kwe. Shawátis iontiáts. Onkwatén:ro ne ki. Kó:r tánon Wí:she ronwatíiats. ________Hello. My name is John, and these are my male friends. Their names are Paul and Mathew. 

Kwékwé. Iothó:re’ wáhi.________Hello. It sure is cold.


kweskwésne________at/to the pig pen

matént________my aunt

Montour ken ronwatí:iats?________Is their name Montour?

Mountour konwatí:iats. ________Their (f) name is Montour.

na:kon tióntshtha’________underwear

Nahakáriake’.________He paid it.


Nahó:ten iesa:iats?________What’s your name?

Nahó:ten iesaió’tens?________What are you going to work on?

Nahó:ten iotiió’te’? ________What do they (d,f) do?

Nahó:ten kén:ton’?________What does it mean?

Nahó:ten ne thi?________What’s that? 

Nahó:ten nÍ:se saió’te’?________What do you do for a living?

Nahó:ten ní:se sewaió'te'?________What do you all do? 

Nahó:ten sá:ton?________What did you say?

Nahó:ten taháhawe’?________What did he bring?

Nahó:ten taiéhawe’?________What did she bring?

Nahó:ten tisaió’tens?________What are you working on over there?

Nahó:ten washní:non?________What did you buy?

Nahóten iesáiats?________What's your name?

Nahóten ronwáiats ne tsatén:ro?________What's the name of your friend?

Nahoten thi konwaiats________What is this called/What is its name? 

nakwá:________the most (third person only)


ne anhá’a tkowá:nen________it's the biggest

ne aonhá’a tioiánere’________it's the best

ne aonhá’a tkanaktowá:nen________that's the largest bed

ne aonhá’a tkanonhsanó:ron________that's the most expensive house

Ne ken íhsere’?________Do you think so?

Ne ki é:rhar sénha teió:ka tsi níiot ne skaiá:ta. ________This dog is faster than the other one. 

Ne ki í:kehre’.________I do think so. 

ne ki, ne thi________this, that 

Ne ki’ í:kehre’.________I think so.

ne nakwá: thakowá:nen________he’s the biggest

ne nakwá: tiekowá:nen________she’s the biggest

ne nakwá: tkanaktowá:nen________the biggest bed

ne nakwá: tkanonhsowá:nen________the biggest house

Ne thi ísi i:tiete'.________The one (female) standing over there.

Ne thi isi' íthrate'. ________The one standing over there./He is standing over there. 

Ne thi ísi' ithré's.________That guy over there. 

Ne thi ka’serehtákta íthrate’.________The one (m) standing by the car.

Ne thi kaiá:tase.________That young girl.

Ne thí:ken takón:ne’.________The ones (f) walking towards us.

Ne thí:ken wá:re’.________The one walking away.

ne, ne ne, n » (z.B. Níse)________the, particle

Ne: ki’ í:kehre’.________I think so.

né:'e________that one

néhre’________they (d,m) want it

Nek tsi sótsi kowá:nen.________But it’s too big.


nentórha________they (d,m) are lazy

ni' né'e________too, also (2nd, 3rd pers sing, 3rd plural)

ni' ní'i________too, also (first pers singular)


ní:teron________they (d,m) live

nia’katákhe’________it ran to

niáwen________Thank you.

Niáwen ki' wáhi.________Thanks, then.

Niáwen. Sa:k ni:' iontiáts.________Thanks. My name is Jim

nihní:nons________they (d,m) buy

Nikhón:nis ken?________Are they (d,m) cooks?

Nikhón:nis.________They (d,m) are cooks.

Nina’tarón:nis ken?________Are they (d,m) bakers?


Ó:ia’ tkaná:taien taháhawe’. ________He got it in another town. 


Ó:iente’ ionniá:ton ken?________It’s made of wood, isn’t it?

O:iénte’ ken ionniá:ton?________Is it made of wood?

Ó:iente’ ken ionniá:ton? ________Is it made of wood? 

Ó:iente’ ken ionniá:ton? ________Is it made of wood?


ó:kwire’________tree, sapling branch

ó:kwire’________tree (class) 


Ó:nen ki' wáhi.________Good bye then.

Ó:nen ki' wétewawe'.________We've arrived now.

Ó:nen thó:ha’ aonkwatakenrókwahse.________I’m almost fainting with hunger. 




ó:wise’________drinking glass, ice

o’karasnéha________in the evening




o’seronnión:we________French as spoken in France


o’wá:rase________fresh meat

o’wá:ron________meat (class)


oháha________road, trail

Ohahakaión:ne.________On the old road.


ohentákta________near the field, grass, green area

ohentó:kon________through the grass



ohká:ra’________bark, wood chips


Ohnakén’sa ken ionniá:ton?________Is it made of leather?


ohnawerákta________near the well

ohné:ka´________water, liquid

ohní:io________he is well. 

Ohní:io nátste’?________How is it outside?

ohní:io?________How is [someone]?/is [someone] well?

Óhní:tsi ashì:ron?________How would you say?

Ohninwenhniseró:ten?________What kind of day is it?


Óhnka thi?________Who's that?

Óhnke ne Só:se?________Joe what? (Joe who?)

óhonte'________green, grass

ohóntsa'________earth, world

ohontsó:kon________downstairs, in the cellar



ohrón’ke________this morning (past)

Óhrón’ke.________This morning.

ohron’ké:ne________in the morning

ohron’kéhstsi’________in the early morning


ohsé:rase________the new year





ohson’kará:ke________on the floor

ohsónkare’ ________board


ohwísta________metal, money

ohwísta’ ________bell, money


oiá:kara’________blouse, waist


Oié:ri mínit iotohétston ne áhsen.________Ten minutes past three.



oientó:kon________under the wood


ok ne________butterfly

Ok ne raónha, raién’thos ni:’ ken né:’e?________And him, is he also a farmer?

Ok ne raónha?________And him?

Ok ne sahsó'tha, skennenkó:wa ken?________And your grandmother, is she well?

Ok ní:se, nahó:ten seniió'te?________And you, what do you two do?

Ok ní:se’, ka’wáhse’?________And you, where are you going?

oká:ra'________story, tale



okaristiiáhne________Thursday, Eucharist

okénha’________felt (material)

óksa'________hurry up


okwirá:ke________on/to the tree

Okwirá:ke’ será’then!________Climb the tree!

Okwirá:ke’ wa’kerá’then.________He climbed the tree.

Okwirá:ke’ wahserá’then.________I climbed the tree.


ón:wa’ wenhniserá:te’ ________today

ón’te________untranslatable: used with sentences that express uncertainty, e.g. kwah í:kehre’…ón’te

oná:ke________bark, canoe

oná:ke’________bark (birch), canoe

ona’tará:se________fresh bread

onatakaión:ne________in old Montreal, Notre Dame



onawa’tstá:ke________in the mud


onekwén’tara nihsia’tó:ten________you are red


onekwén’tara’ nihaia’tó:ten________he’s red

onekwén’tara’ nikanonhsó:ten________the house is red

Ónen ki wáhi'.________Goodbye then.









Ónhka akotiá:tawi’ ki?________Whose dress is this?

Ónhka iakonhí:non?________Who bought it?

Ónhka ki:ken?            ________Who is this?

Ónhka ki? ________Who’s this?

Onhka ne thi kontiiá:tase?________Who are those young girls?

Ónhka ne thi tá:ien’?________Who is that coming this way?

Ónhka ní:se           ________Who are you?

Ónhka róhson?________Who made (m) it?

Ónhka tá:ien’?________Who’s coming (f, indef)?

Ónhka tá:re’?________Who’s cming (m)?

Ónhka takóhson ki atiá:tawi’?________Who made (f, indef) this dress?

Ónhka thi áhsen nihá:ti? ________Who are those three (males or mixed)?

Ónhka thi áhsen nikón:ti?________Whare those three (females)?

Ónhka thi tá:ien’?________Who’s the one (f) walking towards us?

Ónhka thi tá:re’?________Who’s the one (m) walking towards us?

Ónhka thi tahón:ne’?________Who are the ones walking towards us?

Ónhka thi tehnón:kwe?________Who are those two men?

Ónhka thi tekonón:kwe?________Who are those two women?

Ónhka thi? ________Who's that?

Ónhka wa’ehní:non’?________Who (f) bought it?

Ónhka wahahní:non’?________Who (m) bought it?

Ónhka:k tá:ien’. ________Somebody is coming (f, indef). 

Ónhke ne ki ísi íthrate’?________Who’s that (m) standing over there?



Oniatará:’a’ ken ionniá:ton?________Is it made of cotton?

oniehte ________snow

onkeniká:ra’________our (d) story

onkeninónhsa________our (d) house

Onkí:tawe’. ________I slept. 

onkwaká:ra’________our(p) story

onkwanónhsa________our (p) house

Onkwatén:ro.________They (m) are my friends. 

onkwatenná:tshera’________our (p) food


Onkwehnonwehnéha satá:ti.________Say it in Indian/Speak in Indian.

onkwehón:we________Indian, the rea man




Onon:ta ________milk

onón:ta’ ________mountain

onón:takon________at the foot of the hill


onon’tá:ke________on/to the mountain

Onónha ni’ ken ní’e wa’keníhsa’ ne sáhta?________Did they (d,f) also make your shoes?

Onónha wa’keníhsa’.________They (d,f) made it.



onontá:ke________in the hills

Ononta’kowáhne iató:rats. ________They (d,m) go hunting in the mountains.

onontohará:ke________on/to the hill

Onontohará:ke tánon kaniatarákta. ________In the hills and along the rivers. 

Onontohará:ke tsi non: tkanónhsote’.________Where that house is on the hill.

ontia’karón:ti’________it galloped

ontia’tshíhne________at/to my friend’s (f)

Ontiaten:ro' ne ki. ________This is my friend. (m)

Ontiaten:ro' ne thi. ________That is my friend. (m)

Ontiatén:ro ne thi. Kó:r ne ronwáiats.________This is my friend. His name is Paul. 

Ontiatén:ro.________He is my friend (speaker m)

Ontiatén:ro’ thi, wáhi?________He’s your friend, isn’t he?

ontiatenná:tshera’________our (d) food

ontiatenró:ke________at/to my friend’s (f)

Ontiatenró:ke tkí:teron.________I’m staying at my friend’s (m).

Ontiátshi________She is my friend. (speaker f)

Ontiatshi ne thi. ________That is my friend. (f talking about f)

orahkohtserá:ke________in the sun


orí:te’________dove, pidgeon

orí:wa________matter, affair, things

orón:ia’________blue, sky

Oronhwí:io ki’ ná:’a.________That’s for sure.






otikstén:ha________two old women

otikstenhokón:'a________more than two old women

ótkon________spirit, devil, evil force

otokénha________white oak



otsí:nekwar nikanonhsó:ten________the house is yellow

otsí:non________flea, louse


otsi’néhtara’________beads, seeds

otsi’nón:wa’________insect, bug

otsíhkwa’________button, fist, warclub, carrots



otsísera’________glass (window)

Otsísto ken?________Is it a star?

Otsítsa' ken?________Is it a flower?

otsitsá:ke________on the flower


otstenhró:kon________under the rock





Ówhare’ ken ionniá:ton?________Is it made of fur?

owirá:'a________human baby

owistaká:ion________old money that is no longer in cirulation

ra’kenihkénha________the father that I lost

Ra’natarón:ni ken?________Is he a baker?

ra’natarón:nis________he’s a baker

rahkwennión:ni________he’s a tailor

rahnínons________he buys

rahóntsi________he's black 

rahriohka’wí:nes________he’s a fisherman

rahson’karaké:tas________he’s a carpenter

Rahson’karaké:tas ken ne Sak?________Is Jim a carpenter? 

raién’thos________he’s a farmer

raiénthos________he’s a farmer/he plants

Rake’níha waháhsa’.________My father made it.

rake’ninéha________at/to my father’s

rake'nonhá:'a________my uncle

rakhón:nis________he’s a cook

rakhso’thnéha________at/to my grandfather’s

rakontseráhros________he’s a painter

rakowá:nen________he is big

raksá:'a________child: boy

raksa’tí:io________he is a nice boy, a good man

Raktsinéha.________At my older brother’s place.

Raktsinéha.________At my older brother’s.

ranekén'teron________young man

Ranón:we’s ki’ ne’: raónha.________He likes it, though. 

raoká:ra’________his story

raonatenná:tshera’________their (d,p,m) food

raónha aonhá’a thakowá:nen________he's the biggest

Raónha ken rakhón:nis?________Is he the one who is the cook? 

Raónha ken raó:ris ki?________Ares these his socks?

Raónha ken rao’tshénen ki é:rhar?________Is this his dog?

Raónha ken rató:rats?________Is he a hunter?

Raónha ní’ken ní’e waháhsa’ ne sa’niá:nawen?________Did he also make your gloves?

Raónha sénha ron’wé:sen tsi ní:iot ne Wíshe.________He is nicer than Michael.

Raónha wahahní:non’. ________He bought it.

raonónhsa________his house

raónraon________humming bird

raotenná:tshera’________his food

raotént________his aunt

raotiká:ra’________their (m) story

raotinónhsa________their (d,p,m) house

raristí:seres________he’s a surveyor

raristón:ni________he’s a blacksmith

raronwarahéhra________he’s an electrician

raskwahéhra________he’s a steelworker

rata'én:neras________male witch

raté:kwas________he runs away habitually

Raterihwaiénstha ken?________Is he a student?

Raterihwaiénstha ní:ken né'e?________Is he a student, too?

ratétsen’ts________he’s a doctor

Ratétsen’ts ní:ken ní:’se’?________Is he a doctor, too?

ratí:teron________they (p,m) live 

Rátie’s ken?________Does he fly around?

Ratiién’thos ní:ken ni’ né:’e?________Are they (p,m) farmers, too? 

Ratiién’thos ní:ken ni’ né:’e?________Is he also planting over there? 

ratikhón:nis________they are cooks

Ratikhón:nis.________They (p,m) are cooks. 

ratikowá:nen________they (p,m) are big

ratiksa'okón:'a________children (general) male or mixed

Ratinatá:res ken?________Do they (p,m) make visits? 

ratironhia’kehronón:ke________Tuesday, at the angel’s

ratironhia'kehró:non ________angels, residents of the blue

ratké:rons________he’s a peddler

rató:rats________he is a hunter

Rató:rats ken ne Sa:k?________Is Jim a hunter?

Rató:rats ní:ken né’e?________Is he a hunter, too?

Ratonkária’ks ní:ken né’e?________Is he hungry, too?

Ratórats ken?________Is he a hunter?

renorón:khwa________he loves someone

Riienté:ri. Ohní:io ne ia'níha?________I know him. Who is your father?

roió'te'________he works

rokstén:ha________old man


rón:nehre’________they (p,m) want to

rón:nins________he makes

ronkwehserí:io________he’s a good person.

Ronkwehserí:io.________He’s a nice guy.

ronkwehtáksen________he is a bad person

ronkwehtí:io________he is a good-looking man

ronón:kwe________3 or more men.

ronónha aonhá’a thatikowá:nen________they (p,m) are the biggest

Ronónha ní’ken né’e wahíhsa’ ne sanón:warore’?________Did they (d,m) also make your hat?

Ronónha ni’ken né’e wahníhsa’ ne sanón:warore’?________Did they (d,m) also make your hat?

rononhá:'a________his uncle

rononhá:'a________her uncle

Ronterihonniénni ne rake'níha. ________My father teaches. (masculine,mixed group)

Ronterihwaiénstha ken?________Are they (p,m) students?

Rontétsen’ts ne sewatén:ro’, wáhi? ________You, my (p,m) friends are (p, m) are doctors, right?

Rontétsen’ts ní:ken né’e?________Are they (p,m) doctors?

rontó:rats________they (p,m) hunt

ronwaia’ta’nentaktón:ne________Friday, the day when he was put on the cross


roska'rakéhte________a male human being

rotikstenhokón:'a________more than two old men


rotiskstén:ha________two old men or mixed group

Sa:k ken ne rató:rats?________Is Jim the one who is a hunter?

sá:kwire’ ________your tree

sá:sewe________go, you all

Sa’nistennéha ken wa’tionskahón:ne’?________Is your mother coming to eat? 

sa’tshé:nen________your animal

sa’wá:ron________your meat

Sahatén:ti.________He went home.

sáhi________your fruit

Sáhskere ken thi rónkwe?________Is that guy your boyfriend?

Sáhskere' ne thi?________Is that your boyfriend. 

Sahsó'tha ken thi iakón:kweh?________Is that woman your grandmother?

sahtén:ti________walk, go away

sahtsishen________you have older brothers and sisters

Sahtsíshen ken?________Do you have older brothers and sisters?

Saia’taná:wen ken? ________Are you wet?

saká:ra’________your story

Saniatá’thens ken?________Are you thirsty?

Sa'nikonhraien:tas ken? ________Do you understand?

sanónhsa________your house

sarihonnién:ni________your teacher

sasáhket________go back

sasahtén:ti________go home

sasewáhket________go back, you all

sasewahtén:ti________go home, you all


satatekén:shen________have brothers and sisters.

Satatekén:shen ken?________Do you have brothers and sisters?

Saté:ko!________Run away!

Satenhní:nons ní’ken ní:se’?________Are you a salesman, too?

satenná:tshera’________your food

satént________your aunt

Saterihwaiénstha ken?________Are you a student?

saterihwaiénstha:na________go to school

Satétsen’ts ní’ken ní:se’? ________Are you a doctor, too?

sathá’steren________your pants

Satia’tawi’tsherahní:non________Buy a dress!

Sátien!________Sit down!

satíta________get in a vehicle

Satíta!________Get in!

satitáhko________get out from a vehicle

Satkáhto ki é:rhar. ________Look at this dog.

Satkáhto ki takó:s.________Look at this cat.

Satkáhto ki tako’skó:wa. ________Look at this tiger.

Satkáhto thi é:rharkenha. ________Look at this dead dog.

Satkáhto thi wáhta.________Look at this maple.

sató:rats________you are a hunter

Satonkária’ks ken?________Are you hungry?

satoríshen________stop it

satsáhket________go back, you two

satsahtén:ti________go home, you two

Satshá:nis ken? ________Are you afraid?

Se’wá:rak!________Eat the meat!

Sehia:rak ________Remember.

senatá:res________you make visits

Senehia:rak ________Remember (d).

senentórha________you two are lazy


Sénha ioiánere’.________It’s nicer, better.

Sénha kanonhsanó:ron.________It’s a more expensive house.

Senha kanonhsowá:nen.________It’s a bigger house.

Sénha ken’ niwá:’s.________It’s smaller.

Senha kenón:we’s.________I like it better.

Sénha kowá:nen.________It’s bigger.

Sénha ne ki kenón:we’s.________I like this one better.

Sénha teió:ka.________It’s faster.

sení:teron________you two live, stay

senihnekí:ra________you two drink

senihní:nons________you two buy

Senihní:nons ken?________Do you two buy?

seniká:ra’________your (d) story

senikóha________you two get it

seninatáres________you two make visits

Seni'nikonraien:tas ken? ________Do you (d) understand?

seninónhsa________your (d) house

senón:nis________you two make it

Senón:we’s ken nakewháhsa?________Do you like my skirt?

Senón:we’s ken nakwatiá:tawi?________Do you like my dress?

Senón:we’s ken?________Do you like it?

sentórha________you are lazy

séroks________you chop

sétas________you put in

Sewa’thé:ra.________One basket.

Sewa’thé:rake.________Two baskets.


sewahnekí:ra________you all drink

sewahní:nons________you all buy

Sewahní:nons ken?________Do you all buy?

sewahtáhkwa________one shoe

sewahtén:ti________walk, go away, you all

sewaká:ra’________your (p) story

sewakóha________you all get it

sewanatáres________you all make visits

Sewa'nikonhraien:tas ken? ________Do you (p) understand?

sewanónhsa________your (p) house

Sewaronwahahéhra ní:ken ni’ né:é?________Are they (p,m) electricians, too? 

Sewaskwahérhra ní:ken ní:se’?________Are you all steelworkers, too?

Sewatá:wens ken?________Do you all swim?

Sewatahón'satat.________Listen, all of you.

Sewatén:ro’ thi, wáhi?________Those are your friends, aren’t they?

Sewatenhní:nons ken?________Do you all sell things?

Sewatenhní:nons ken?________Are they all salesmen?

Sewatenhní:nons ní:ken ní:se’?________Are you all salesmen, too?

sewatenná:tshera’________your (p) food

sewaterihwaiénstha:na________you all, go to school

sewathennó’tshera’________one ball

sewatíta________you all, get in

sewatitáhko________get out, you all

Sewatkánthos ken?________Do you all see it?

Sewatké:rons ken?________Do you all paddle things?

sewato’kénsera________one axe

Sewatonkária’ks ken?________Are you all hungry?

Sewatonkária’ks ken?________Are you (p) hungry?

sewatórats________you all are hunters

sewatoríshen________stop it, you all

Sewatshó:kwas ken?________Do you all smoke?

Sewehia:rak.________Remember (p).

sewen:tenhre'________you all feel pity

sewén:teron________you all stay, live

sewentórha________you all are lazy

shaiá:ta raksá:’a________one boy

shaiá:ta ranekén’teron________one young man

shaiá:ta rokstén:ha________one old man

shaiá:ta rón:kwe________one man

shaiá:ta teró:________one bull

shakohahá:wis________he’s a guide

shakothkén:se________he’s a fortune teller

shakothkén:se’________fortune teller


Shaté:kon iawén:re nikawístakek.________Only eighteen dollars.

sha'té:kon tewen'niáwe.________800


Shawátis ióntiats________My name is John.

Shawátis wahahní:non.________John bought it.

Shawátísne ken?________At John’s place?

Shawatísne.________At John’s. 

Shawatísne. Ka’ wáhse’ nÍ:se’?________At John’s.  And where are you going?


Shé:kon ne’ rató:rats nakohserá:ke tánon’ raién’thos nakenhá:ke.________He still hunts in the winter and farms in the summer.

Shékon ken nonontákeri'?________More beer?

Shékon. Elizabeth iontiáts. Sewátien tánon sewahnékira ne onontákeri. ________Hello. My name is Elizabeth. Sit down, you all, and drink this beer. 

Shékon. Satíta.________Hello. Get in.




Shní:non natiá:tawi’. ________Do buy a/the dress!

shón:tsi ________you are black

Ska’hón:re’.________One gun. 

Ska’nión’sha’ ohká:ri tánon’ okwáho’ iató:rats.________They (d,m) hunt moose, bears and wolves.


ska’seréhta________one car

ska’wí:sa________one drinking glass

skaiá:ta é:rhar________one dog


Skanákta’.________One bed.

skanónhsa________one house



skawísta khok________only one dollar

Skawísta nikanó:ron________It costs one dollar.

skawístak________only one dollar

skén:nen'________peace, hello

Skennenkó:wa ken ne iahníha?________Is your father well?

Skennenkó:wa ken ne iahsó'tha?________Is your grandfather well?

Skennenkó:wa ken ne sahsó'tha?________Is your grandmother well?

Skennenkó:wa ken?________How are you?

Skennenkówa ken nonwári?________Is Mary well

skõha________go get it

skowá:nen________you are big


Só:se ken ronwá:iats ne tshe'kén:'a ?________Is your younger brother's name Joe?

Só:se Oskennónten.________Joe Deer.

Só:se ronwáiats ne rakhtsí:'a.________My older brother's name is Joe.

Só:se ronwáiats.________His name is Joe.

Sok ná:’a ken? Ó:nenk tsi enskahtén:ti.________Already? I have to go.

sonhátsi’________black duck

Sonke'nikon:hren ________I forgot.

Sonón:we’s ken nakatíá:tawi’?________Do you like her dress?

Sonón:we’s ken nakwatiá:tawi’?________Do you like my dress (garment)?

Sonón:we’s ken ne raotiá:tawi’?________Do you like his shirt (jacket)?

Sonón:we’s ken ne satiá:tawi’?________Do you like your dress?

soséhne________Wednesday, Joseph’s day

Tá:re’.________He's walking towards us.


Ta’shní:non.________You bought from some place else.

ta’tsá:ken’n________come on out

Ta’wítne.________At David’s.

Taháhawe’.________He brought it.

tahahní:non________he bought it from

taható:rate’________he hunted there


takó:s owí:ra________kitten

tako’skó:wa________wild cat, tiger, panther

Takróri________tell me

takwa’áhson________spider (cancer)


Tánon Tier iontiáts. Saterihwaiénstha ken?________And my name is Peter. Are you a student?

Tánon’ ka’nón:we tashnínon thi ká:iare’?________And where did you buy that bag?


tasahkwíshron________louder, please

tasatáweia’t________come in

Tasatawéia’t, ka:ts tánon’ ken’ sátien.________Come in and sit over here.

Tasatáweiat!________Come in!

tasaté:ser________come crawl over

Tasató:rat!________You hunt over there. (You came from here.)

tasewakwíshron________louder (second person plural)

Tasheia’ténhawe’ ne kítkit. ________You brought the chicken.

tatsahkwíshron________louder (second person dual)



tehniiáhse ronara’sé:’a________two cousins || they (d) are cousins

tehniiáhse ronatén:ro’________two friends || they (d) are friends

tehniiáhse rotikstén:’a________two old men || they (d) are old

tehniiáhse tehniksá:’a________two boys

tehniiáhse tehninekén’teron________two young men

tehniiáhse tehnón:kwe________two men

tehniiáhse teró:________two bulls

Tehniiáhse.________Two of them. 

tehnón:kwe________two men

teiakeniiáhse________two of us (ex)


Teionion’kwatá:se.________It’s storming (snowstorm).

teiotina’karoton’a________lamb, sheep

Teiotshá:taien________It’s foggy.

Teka’hón:rake.________Two guns.

teka’serehtáke________two cars

teka’wísake________two drinking glasses

tekanáktake.________Two beds.

tekanónhsake________two houses



tekawístake khok________only two dollars

Tekawístake nikanó:ron.________It costs two dollars.

tekawístakek________only two dollars


Tékeni khok tekanón’sote.________There are only two houses standing there. 

Tékeni teiohwistá:’e.________Two o’clock.

tékeni tewen'niáwe'________200

tékeni tewen'niáwe' tánon' áhsen niwáhsen wisk. ________235

tekeniiáhse é:rhar________two dogs

tekeniiáhse oná’tsi________two friends (f)

tekeniiáhse onara’sé:’a________two cousins (f)

tekeniiáhse otikstén:ha________two old women

tekeniiáhse tekeniiá:tase’ ________two young girls

tekeniiáhse tekeniksá:’a________two girls (children)

tekeniiáhse tekenón:kwe________two women

tekenón:kwe________two women

tenharáhtate'________he’ll run

tentharáhtate’________hell start over there and he’ll run towards the speaker

Teré:s iontátiats ne ahktsí:'a. ________My older sister's name is Teresa.



tesené:tan________stand up, you two

teseniiáhse________two of you


tesewá:tan________you all, stand up

testán________stand up

teteniiáhse________two of us (in)

teteshonwaká:nere’________he is looking at us

Tewáhsen nikahwístake nianó:ron.________It costs twenty dollars.

Tewáhsen nikahwístake nikanó:ron.________It costs twenty dollars. 

tewahtáhkwake________two shoes

Tewanine’karawánions.________It’s lightening.

tewathenno’tsherá:ke________two balls

tewato’kenseráke________two axes

tewatsnie’________she’s a nurse


thaio’karáwha________in the early evening



Tha'tesató:tat.________Shut up.

Tha'tesewató:tat.________Shut up, you all. 

Tha'tetsató:tat. ________Shut up, you two.

Thatewaiénstha________He is there studying. 

Thatí:teron.________They're at home.

Thatiién’thos. ________They plant over there.   

Thatíteron ken?________Are they at home?

tható:rats________he is there and he hunts

Thén:teron ne rake'níha.________My father is at home.

Thén:teron ne rónkwe.________The man is at home.

Thén:teron nontiatén:ro'.________My male friend is at home.

Thén:teron.________He's at home.

Thénteron ken?________Is he at home?

thetén:re ohrón’ke________yesterday morning



thi ísi itié:te'.________that one (f) standing over there

Thí:ken áhsen nihá:ti wahón:ne’________Those three (m) walking away. 

Thí:ken áhsen nikón:ti wa’kón:ne’.________Those three (f) walking away.

Thí:ken ísi wá:kene’.________Those two (d,f) walking away.

Thí:ken ísi wá:ne’.________Those two (d,m) walking away.

thién:'a________your son

Thikawenní:io. Hánio ká:ts.________Ok. Come on.

thio’kehá:ke________at/to the train station

thio'kéha________train, on the shore

tho  nikahiatónhkwake________that's how many numbers

thoio’te’________he is working over there

thoió’ten________let him work there

thoio’tén:’en________he is there and he has worked there

thoió’tens________he works over there

tiató:rats________they (d,f) hunt

Tié:teron ne akoksténha.________The old woman is at home.

Tié:teron nontiátshi. ________My female friend is at home. 

Tié:teron.________She's at home.

tié:wate________I am an early riser. 

tién'thos________I plant

Tierkénha________the late Peter

Tiéteron ken ne sa'nistén:'a? ________Is your mother at home?

Tiéteron ken?________Is she at home?



tió:kwaris________redwing blackbird


tióhten tewen'niáwe________900


Tiohtiá:ke________from Montreal

Tiohtiá:ke ken tehsí:teron? ________Are you staying in Montreal?

Tiohtiá:ke nitewaké:non.________I’m from Montreal. 


Tiorhén:sa satá:ti.________Say it in English/Speak in English.

tiorhensaka’ón:we________English by birth


tisaió’ten________your work there

tisatorá:ton________you have hunted over there

tkaié:ri________that's right

Tkontí:teron.________The women are at home.

To: kati’ó:nen niiohwistá:’e?________What time is it now? 

To: na’ekáriake’?________How much did she pay?

To: nahakáriake’?________How much did he pay?

To: naskáriake’?________How much did you pay?

To: nesewakáriake’?________How much did you (p) pay? 

To: nihá:ti ne rotiska’rakéhte?________How many of them are men?

To: nihá:ti thatí:teron? ________How many (m) are staying there?

To: nihá:ti?________How many? (male or mixed)

To: niiohwistá:’e?________What time is it?

To: nikanó:ron thi: ká:iare’? ________How much did that bag cost? 

To: nikanó:ron?________How much did it cost?

To: nikón:ti ne kontiksa’okón:’a?________Kaié:ri nikón:ti. 

To: nikón:ti ne tsonathonwí:sen?________How many of them are women?

To: nikón:ti sheia’tenhá:wi ne kítkit? ________How many chickens did you bring?

To: nikón:ti tkontí:teron? ________How many (f) are staying there?

To: nikón:ti wahsenaskwahsí:non?________How many animals did you buy?

To: nitson tisewén:teron?________How many of you are staying there? 

To: takróri sateriéntare’ ken ka’nón: íthre’s ne Wíshe.________Tell me, do you know where Michael is?

Tó:ka’. ________I don’t know.

tó:ske'________it's true

Tó:ske ken? ________Really? 

tohkára nihá:ti________just a few (m) of them

tohkára nikón:ti________just a few (f) of them

Tohsa sasa'nikon:hren ________Don't forget.

Tohsa saseni'nikon:hren ________Don't (d) forget.

Tohsa sasewa'nikon:hren ________Don't (p) forget.

Tohsa sata:ti -        ________Don't talk.

Tóka nón:wa' tié:teron....________I don't know where she is now.

Toka’ nón:wa wathiatskahón:ne’.________Maybe they (d,m) are going to eat.

Tóka’ nón:wa’.________Maybe that’s so.


Tonshetáhkhwa Karén:na'________Counting Song

Tontasathna'néta________Repeat, please.

Tontasewathna´néta________Repeat, all of you.

Tontatsathna'néta________Repeat, you two.

Tsá:ta sa’tewahsen:na.________Half past seven.


tsáhta tewen'niáwe.________700

tsahtén:ti________walk, go away, you two

tsako'thonwí:sen________a female human being


Tsaní:to tánon anén:taks.________Beaver and porcupine.

Tsaskwahéhra ní’ken ní:se’?________Are you two steelworkers?

Tsatá:wens ken?________Do you two swim?

Tsatahón'satat.________Listen, you two.

Tsatenhní:nons ken?________Do you two sell things?

Tsatenhní:nons ní’ken ní:se’?________Are you two salesmen, too?

tsatennná:tshera’________your (d) food

tsaterihwaiénstha:na________you two, go to school

Tsatétsen’ts ní:ken ní:se’?________Are you two doctors, too?

tsatétsen'ts________you two are doctors

tsatíta________you two, get in

tsatitáhko________get out , you two

Tsatkáhthos ken?________Do you two see it?

Tsatké:rons ken?________Do you two paddle things?

Tsatonkária’ks ken?________Are you (d) hungry?

tsatórats________you two hunt

Tsatórats ken ó:ni?________Are you two also hunters?

tsatoríshen________stop it, you two

Tsatshó:kwas ken?________Do you two smoke?

tseiá:ta akoksténha________one old woman

tseiá:ta eksá:’a________one girl (child)

tseiá:ta iakón:kwe________one woman

tseiá:ta ieiá:tase’ ________one young girl

Tsén’thos ken nakennhá:ke?________Do you plant in the summer? 

tsén'thos________you plant

tshonkaraké:tas________you are a carpenter

Tsi iakenheion’taientahkhwa wá:re’.________He’s going to the hospital. 

Tsi iekhonniá:tha’ tkakhwáhere’.________The food is set up in the kitchen.

tsi iontenhninón:tha________at/to/in the store, the place where they sell

Tsi iontenhninón:tha tahahní:non. ________He bought it at the store.

Tsi iontenhninón:tha’ tá’khawe’ ki áhta. ________I got these shoes in the store. 

Tsi iontenhninón:tha’ tá’khawe’.________I got it at the store.

Tsi iontkerontáhkhwa’ taiéhawe’.________She got it at the market.

Tsi niiahiá:kseres.________This week. 

tsi niiahiá:kseres.________during the week

tsi niióhseres________during the year

tsi niióhseres________during the winter

tsi nikakwitehnéhseres________during the spring

tsi nikanenna’kéhseres________during the fall

tsi niwahsón:tes________during the night

tsi niwakénnhes________during the summer

tsi niwenheníseres________during the day

tsi niwenhní:tes________during the month

tsi nón: iehakahón:nis________at/to/in the place where he cooks

tsi nón: iehakhón:nis________at/to/in the place where he cooks

tsi nón: thatórats________at/to/in the place where he goes hunting

tsi nón: tié:teron________at/to/in the place where she lives

Tsi teiontskahón:khwa ken wésewe’?________Are you (p) going to a restaurant?

Tsi teiontskahón’khwa’ wá:ke’.________I’m going to the restaurant.

tsi teiontskahónkhwa________restaurant/the place where you eat

Tsi teiontskwahón’khwa wa’ákwe’.________We all are going to the restaurant. 

tsi tewatió’te’________at/to/in the place where I work

tsi thonón:sote’________at/to/in his house

tsi tié:teron________at/to/in the place where she lives

Tsi tié:teron wá:ke’. ________I’m going to the place where she lives. 

Tsi tionkwanón:sote________At her house.

tsi tionkwanón’sote’________at/to/in our house


tsí:tenhre'________you feel pity


tsi’kskó:wa________horse fly/big fly




tsiktseré:re’ or tsiskeré:re’________chickadee




tsistékeri’________horned owl



tsohwá:stakwa’we’________sea gull

tsó'kwats________you all dig

tsón:nis________you all make it


Wa: tsi kanó:ron.________Wow that’s expensive.


Wá:ri iontátiats ne khekén:'a. ________My younger sister's name is Mary.

Wa:ri ióntiats.________My name is Mary.

Wá:ri ken iontátiats?________Is her name Mary?


wá:se’________it is fresh

wá:sene________go, you two

Wa’e’wá:rake’.________I ate the meat.

Wa’katé:ko’.________I ran away.

Wa’katewirará:ko’ n-eksá:’a.________I adopted the girl.

Wa’kátien.________I sat down.

Wa’katíta’.________I got in.

Wa’kató:rate’.________I hunted.

Wa’kató:rate’. ________I hunted.

Wa’kenahskwahní:non ne é:rhar.________I bought the dog.

Wa’kenaktahnínon.________I bought a bed. 


wa’shá:res________it is a long knife

wa’shar’i:io________it is a good knife

wa’sharáksen________it is a bad knife

wa’sharasé’tsi________it is a new knife

Wa’sharí:io ó:ni wahahní:non.________He also bought a good knife.

wa’sharowá:nen________it’s a big knife

Wa’sharowá:nen ken?________Is it a big knife?

Wa’tehsatskahón:ne’ ken?________Are you going to eat?

Wa’tekheiá:tahkwe’ n-eksá:’a.________I lifted the girl up.

Wa’thani’tsónkwahkwe’.________He jumped.

Wa’thanónniahkwe’________I danced.

Wa’tharáhtate’.________He ran.

Wa’thatskahhón:ne’.________He’s going to eat.

Wa’thatskahón:ne’ ní:ken né’e?________Is he also going to eat?

Wa’tiakwatskahón:ne’.________We (p, ex) are going to eat.

Wa’tiatiatskahón:ne’.________We (d, ex) are going to eat.

Wa’tienónniahkwe’.________He danced.

Wa’tiontskahón:ne’. ________She’s going to eat. 

Wa’tkani’tsónkwahkwe’.________I jumped.

Wa’tkatskahón:ne’.________I’m going to eat.

Waha’wá:rake’.________He ate the meat.

Wahahnekí:ra’.________He drank.

Wahahtahkwahní:non________He bought shoes.

Wahaien’kwahní:non.________He bought tobacco. 

Wahaka’én:ion’ ná:there’.________He examined the basket. 

Wahakáriake’.________He paid it.

Wahaté:ko.________He ran away.

Wahathenno'tsherahní:non.________He bought a ball.

Wahátien.________He sat down.

Wahatíta’.________He got in.

Wahatkáhto ná:there’.________He saw the basket.

waható:rate’________he hunted

Wahatoken'serahní:non________He bought an axe.

Wahatshetahní:non________He bought a bottle.

Wahawa'rahní:non. ________He bought meat. 

wahétken________it is ugly, bad

Wahsirí:io wáhi. ________Gee that’s a nice blanket.

Wahsnekí:ra.________I drank.

Wahsní:non ken?________Did you buy it?

wáhta________sugar maple

wáhta’________sugar maple

wakerihonnién:ni________my teacher

Wári ken iontátiats ne tsátshi?________Is your female friend's name Mary?

Waríhne________from Mary's

Waríhne________at/to Mary’s

Waríhne ken tkén:tiron? ________Is it (indef.) staying at Mary’s place?

Waríhne tkéntiron. ________It is staying at Mary’s.

Waríhne wa’ákene’.________We two are going to Mary’s. 

Watekhwaratserí:io ki’.________It’s a nice table, though.


Watétsen’ts n-Ákat tánon’ watenhní:nons n-Á:nen.________Ida is (neut) a doctor and Ann is a salesgirl.

Wathiatskahón:ne’. ________They (d,m) are going to eat. 

wati’o’te’________I am working

watió'te'________I work

wató:rats________she/it hunts

Wató:rats ken?________Does it hunt?

wató:rats’________she/it (neut) hunts

wéhre’________she/it (neut) wants

Wenhniseráksen.________It’s a bad day.

Wenhniserí:io nón:wa’.________It’s a nice day today.

Wenhniserí:io wáhi'.________It's a nice day, isn't it?

wentórha________she/it (neut) is lazy

wesewahní:non________you bought

wésewe’________you are going


Wíshe tánon Tier wahníhsa’.________Michael and Peter made it.

Wishéne________at/to Michael’s


Wisk ken nikawístakek?________Only five dollars?

Wisk khok ni:’ nakkáriske’.________I only paid five.

wisk khok nikawístake________only five dollars

Wisk khok nikawístake.________Only five dollars. 

Wisk mínit tió:tokte ne tékeni. ________Five minutes to two.

wisk ní:kon athén:no’________five (of) balls

wisk niátion________five of us (ex)

wisk nítion________five of us (in)

wisk nítson________five of you

Wisk niwáhsen nikahwístake nikanó:ron.________It costs fifty dollars.

wisk niwathenno’tserá:ke________five balls

wisk tewen'niáwe'________500

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