Any search for Kanien'kéha (the language) Kanien'kehá:ka (the people) Mohawk (the calumny by which the Kanien'kehá:ka are commonly known), or some combination of them or their unaccented variants will provide a variety of links.
My favorite linking page is https://www.tumblr.com/search/kanienkehaka. It provides, for me, the right amount of material with each link to best enable learning, even if it is slanted too much for my taste towards a video game.
Kanien'kéha language resources, most taken from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohawk_language). I added my links 1/12/2015
Six Nations Polytechnic in Ohsweken, Ontario, offers Ogwehoweh language Diploma and Degree Programs in Mohawk or Cayuga.
Resources are available for self-study of Mohawk by a person with no or limited access to native speakers of Mohawk. Here is a collection of some resources currently available:
Talk Mohawk, an iPhone app and Android app, includes words, phrases, and the Thanksgiving Address from Monica Peters and updated for 2014 through http://www.talkmohawk.com/
Rosetta Stone levels 1 and 2 (CD-ROM) edited by Frank and Carolee Jacobs and produced by the Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center at Kahnawà:ke (secondary/high school level)
David Kanatawakhon Maracle, Let's Speak Mohawk/Kanyen'keha Tewatati CDs & Book ISBN 0-88432-723-X (book and 3 companion tapes are available from Audio Forum) (high school/college level)
David Kanatawakhon Maracle One Thousand Useful Mohawk Words
Nancy Bonvillain, A Grammar of Akwesasne Mohawk (professional level)
Nancy Bonvillain and Beatrice Francis, Mohawk-English, English-Mohawk Dictionary, 1971, University of the State of New York in Albany (word lists, by category)
Chris W. Harvey, Sathahitáhkhe' Kanien'kéha (Introductory Level Mohawk Language Textbook, Eastern Dialect), ISBN 0-9683814-2-1 (high school/college level)
Josephine S. Horne, Kanien'kéha Iakorihonnién:nis (book and 5 companion CDs are available from Kahnawà:ke Cultural Center) (secondary/high school level)
Nora Deering & Helga Harries Delisle, Mohawk: A Teaching Grammar (book and 6 companion tapes are available from Kahnawà:ke Cultural Center) (high school/college level)
Herman Meyndertsz van Bogaert and Nicolaes van Wassenauer and Johannes Megapolensis, Early Vocabularies of Mohawk Note: Early Vocabularies is of historic interest, It will probably not help Kanien'kéha language learners.)
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